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Final Step Stoles - Direct Manufacturer.

Serving volume importers

Final Step Stoles department is a manufacturing department of the graduation apparel division of Final Step Ltd, with over 10 years experience in quality garment manufacture.

Serving volume importers, we are located in Canton, China.

We have a large capacity with small order flexibility and a very high quality focus. Final Step Limited also manufactures Wholesale Graduation Gowns to the specifications of wholesale importers, around the world.

National wholesale agent in the USA.

National wholesale agent in the USA

Hi there. My name is Doreen Staples, and I am the national wholesale agent for Final Step Stoles Department here in the USA.

My pricing may be slightly higher than buying directly from Final Step, but I offer national payment terms, US telephone support, and national delivery. Please click the pricing and terms link for more information.

USA national wholesale agent for stoles - Prices & Terms.